Sacred or Profane?

It’s not the action, it’s the source.  It’s not the expression, it’s the root. 

Sacred or Profane? Depends.

YOU KNOW when something is a projection of a distorted desire vs. a manifestation of a pure essence. You feel it. 

Behaviors on the surface can *look* exactly the same but *feel* entirely different.

Q: are you into being dominated? 

A: Yes and no. 

Q: are you into threesomes? 

A: yes and no. 

Q: are you into ddlg? 

A: yes and no. 

Q: are you into chocolate chip banana pancakes in the morning? 

A: yes and no. 

Really, my list is endless... because it has nothing to do with the surface activities and everything to do with the energetic movement behind those expressions. 

I’ll elaborate... 

Being dominated by someone who is truly aligned with his Kingship is a beautiful experience... as compared to someone who dominates from a place of desperately fulfilling his insecurities (even if all the aftercare is “right”). 

Having a threesome with a couple who is genuinely bonded from a place of Love is an expansive experience as compared to a duo who seeks to explore from a place of boredom (even if they seem frisky AF). 

Being ruled by a dirty daddy can be invigoratingly liberating OR emotionally abusing (even if the spankings are equally as painful). 

And, well, chocolate chip banana pancakes made from a place of Love and adoration, as opposed to a place of obligation, taste a hell of a lot different. 

Listen to how some of the kinkiest expressions of my sexuality are the most sacred on the fun and witty Sexie Show with fellow sex nerd JJ <3 LISTEN HERE

Sacred or Profane? You just need to feel into the Root to know the Truth. 

You will know the Root of intention by how sweet the fruit tastes. 

It’s that simple, really. 

Is the fruit of the action such that your Sex constricts? Your heart closes? Your body clenches? Your mind races? 

That’s sour fruit. 

When your heart opens, your body eases, and your mind expands into vastness (or any other of your own subtle energetic body language), you know you’ve tasted the sweet fruit of intention rooted in the Good. 

Want to cultivate the sensibilities to feel the difference?

The School of Erotic Mysteries opens at each turn of the wheel. If registration is closed, make sure to get on the Love List! I always offer special bonuses and goodies for my Lovies <3

See you in the depths ✨ 

Baci xx 

Priestess Francesca



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